The Way of Love
Written by, Pastor Alese Plichta
I was recently drawn to reflect on 1 Corinthians 13 from a personal perspective of what loving should look like. This chapter of the Bible is often associated with weddings and it can become almost washed out in its depth and intensity. Almost metaphoric instead of directive. And yet we are called to love others, all others and this chapter gives insight into what this love should look like.
Jesus was misunderstood as he lovingly served the people who rejected and conspired against him. He is our example even on the toughest days. When we are misunderstood, when it hurts and we do not understand, love is still the right choice. In a world where it is uncommon to love, we are called to have this be the difference in the way we interact. It has become normal to be self-seeking, manipulative, even controlling, we choose love anyway. Loving others can be hard at times for lots of reasons. When we love others out of a place of loving Jesus, our validation comes from him and it’s easier to keep our hearts safe and be ready to continue on the mission to love (John 15:12).
I choose to be patient and kind, I won’t envy or boast, be arrogant or rude. I won’t insist on my own way. I choose not to be irritable and resentful. I won’t rejoice at wrongdoing but celebrate truth. I will bear all things, believe and hope for all things, while I endure all things. One day I will fully know, as I am fully known but until then, I will remember that love always wins. In a world where love is misunderstood, love anyway.

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God,
and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,
that the man of God may be complete,
thoroughly equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17